There's Only One Place In The World That Will Give Us A Completely Ridiculous Buzzer-Beater Like This One #MACtion

Perfect pass. Look, people ask me all the time why we should care about mid-majors. This is why. Where else would you see a full court bounce pass, perfectly placed for a buzzer beater? MACtion. That's where. It's the only correct answer. MWC is too good for something weird like this to happen. WCC has Gonzaga and St. Mary's so that doesn't really count. It can only happen in the middle of the afternoon in the MAC. It can only happen with a camera angle that makes Baylor's from the ceiling jealous. Seriously, what the hell did we do to deserve angles like this? 

This is the sort of play that should every person ready for this month. Little secret, but dumb shit is going to happen. It's going to happen for your favorite team, it's going to happen against your favorite team. It's impossible to mentally prepare for it, but I promise dumb shit like this will happen the next few weeks and you will go insane. This is a little reminder so you can try to get ready. 

All that said, my guy on Ball State, have some reaction time for me one time. You're the safety, make a play! Brutal, brutal look for him. I know they are just kids, but that's terrible. Just let it be known that MACtion works in basketball too. It works in any sport and that's the beauty of the MAC. 

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